- Fill in the vocabulary builder, paying particular attention to the prepositions you could use when talking/writing about this picture. Use the vocabulary to construct sentences.
- What are the trolls doing?
- Why are they sitting underneath the bridge?
- What do you think the trolls are saying to each other? Write their conversation as a play script, and then as a narrative scene including dialogue.
- What do you think the goats are saying to each other?
- How are they feeling?
- What are they doing?
- Are they going to cross the bridge? Use modal verbs and adverbs to discuss the possibilities, and to show what is the most likely thing to happen. [Use this sheet – Making predictions – modal verbs and adverbs – to help you.]
- Read the story of the Three Billy Goats Gruff [here’s a free version online: Three Billy Goats Gruff].
- Watch the animated version here: Youtube – The 3 Billy Goats Gruff Animation.
- Discuss/teach:
- Similarities to Goldilocks and the Three Bears
- Alliteration (‘terrifically terrifying, terrible troll called Trevor’)
- Noun phrases
- Prepositions
- Speech/dialogue
- Verbs (‘roared’, ‘scampered’, ‘boomed’)
- Adverbs (‘gingerly’, ‘boldly’)
- Story structure (draw a story map or box it up)
- Persuasion (how would you persuade the troll not to eat you?)
Credit: Petur Antonsson
Posted at 21:11h, 04 MayThis game is so good it is very educational
and fun I enjoy it so much