- Grammar link: Expanded noun phrases, relative clauses. Describe the creatures and their hats. What makes them unique?
- Who made the hats?
- Is the green creature eating fruit from its own hat?
- How is Harbet (the creature on the right) feeling? Why do you think this might be?
- What do the other creatures think of Harbet’s hat?
- Why is ‘OLD HAT!’ written on this page? Is one of the creatures saying it?
- What do you think Harbet is going to do next? Why?
- Design your own hat and create an advert for it. Why is yours the best?
- Have you ever worn something or done something that made you look different to other people? How did it make you feel?
- Should people all wear the same things?
- Research people who are good role models for individuality, and for not following others.
- Why do school children and some professionals need to wear a uniform? What does ‘uniform’ mean?
- Hold a school uniform debate. Which side are you on?
Credit: Emily Gravett
from ‘Old Hat’
published May 2017
Posted at 15:44h, 31 MayI think this book is about a dog that wears a old hat