- What can you see? Try to find something you’re partner hasn’t. (There are some close-ups below.)
- What are the children doing? Why?
- Why is this house made of sweets?
- Who lives here? How do you know?
- Who is peeking out from behind the door? Why is she hiding? Do the children know that she’s there?
- What’s going to happen next?
- Give the children some advice – be their fairy godmother!
- What is the significance of the bird in the foreground (on the left)? Does it have an effect on the overall mood of the picture?
- Tell this story from the bird’s perspective.

Credit: Oscar Ramos
Website – not all images are appropriate for children
Posted at 15:46h, 29 JulyThis one was very exciting to do because it was fun and you didnt know is there and whats going to happen.
Kenzie Thomson
Posted at 15:47h, 29 JulyThis picture was very exciting because you didnt know whats going to happen next .
Posted at 08:44h, 11 Augustcool i love the picture called hansel & gretel but i as saw the witch and i wrote about is today in class but not the witch.
Posted at 09:09h, 30 JanuaryI loved writing questions about Hansel and gretel but a with is there in the door way spectating those two
Posted at 01:01h, 17 Augustthat looks so cool
Jeff aertsvhft
Posted at 04:04h, 31 AugustThe picture is unpredictable to guess
Posted at 04:05h, 31 AugustI like it
oneily the cat lover
Posted at 03:30h, 22 Septemberwow this was great
Posted at 09:11h, 30 JanuaryAlsome it was fun to write answers for the picture
Posted at 01:53h, 07 MarchThis is really nice and I love it