- Grammar warm up: List all of the verbs in this picture. Can you think of any more to add? [e.g. laugh, smile, hold, hug…]
- What are these people doing?
- How are they related?
- Who is saying the words of the title (‘Go to bed!’)?
- Are they having fun?
- What does your bedtime routine look like? Is there anything you would like to change?
- Additional grammar links: Speech punctuation in sentences; the effect of punctuation (Go to bed. vs. Go to bed! vs. Go to bed?).
Credit: Pascal Campion
Posted at 10:47h, 28 Januaryzac and max and sis was playing with mum and dad. Than biff barks at mum and dad. Biff what’s roing.said max. Biff wants Sum milk. Max went to the kitchen to get some milk for biff. Then suddenly there was a snake in the kitchen.ahhhhhhhh! Said Max. What’s doing. Said mum and dad. Mom dad help! We’re coming!Sis came in . Ahhh a sneak. I’m calling animal control right now! And the snakebit zac and sis. Ahhmom dad where is the animal control.
They are not answering. Said mum. Animal control and the ambulance.
Zack and siswere healed. And then they lived happily ever after.
Posted at 14:59h, 30 JanuaryCool pic like my cousins and i