- Where did the guitar come from? Who put it there? Who does it belong to?
- Is this electric guitar playing music? Can it?
- Are the birds flying away from or towards the guitar?
- What is the man doing? What’s he holding? (A plectrum.)
- Why is the plectrum so large? Where did he get it from?
- Does he know how to play the guitar?
- What do you think he’s going to do? What song might he play?
- What song would you play?
- Which of these two songs best fits this picture? Why? Feeling Good vs. Changes (Youtube links – play audio only – share the lyrics with children).
- Do all power lines have an instrument at the end?
- Think of other examples where instruments could be found in unexpected places.
Credit: Erik Johansson
Ewan Goodchild
Posted at 01:56h, 27 JuneI was abandoned at the age of 11 and all I knew is to play the guitar and so I went out on a journey to find the biggest the loudest, best guitar on earth