- What can you see inside the bottle?
- What is that place?
- Is it a miniature village inside an ordinary-sized bottle, or an ordinary-sized village inside a giant bottle?
- Has it always been inside the bottle?
- Does anyone live there? Can they feel the waves of the water outside the bottle?
- How did the bottle get here?
- Where is it drifting away from/to?
Credit: Erik Johansson
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Posted at 23:51h, 22 Novembergood
Posted at 11:55h, 24 Augustthis is a good prompt for children to learn that some kids are drifting away because of sadness like homeless children
Posted at 14:28h, 24 OctoberCool
Posted at 10:53h, 09 DecemberIt was amazing
Posted at 10:45h, 28 JanuaryThere was once a giant that lived on the sky he had built a house there. One day when it was very hot the giant got thirsty he went to get a bottle of water. When he finished drinking he accidentally threw the bottle through the window. It fell on a farm the farm was now in the bottle .A girl that was in the farm said why is the farm in a bottle. Her brother said it looks like a giant drank the water that was in the bottle and it fell on our farm. The family that was in the farm was getting with out air. Back at the giant house the giant was playing the violin.Suddenly a string went lose the giant thought he didn’t need the violin any more so he threw it through the window .It hit the bottle the bottle broke. The family had stayed in the bottle 6 days the bottle was moving so it ended in sea when it broke. The farm sank down the family swam a shore.They bought a big house they were happy forever.
Posted at 23:24h, 05 Februarygood job