- Why was this city built in a cave?
- Who built it?
- When was the city founded?
- Who might live here? How large is the population? Are there many children and elderly people here?
- What jobs do the citizens do?
- Is this a good place to live? Is this city well-known for anything? Has anything bad ever happened here?
- Would you like to live here? Why/why not?
- Could you use this setting in a story? Which genre would it best fit into and why?
- How is this city similar/different to your nearest city?
Credit: SnowSkadi
Posted at 10:20h, 30 MarchThe ‘city in a cave’looks very deep and might have had loads of humans or creatures in the past of the dark, gargantuantly deep cave filled with lots of dim lights. I can just see some green-leaved tree with a thin trunk and shallow skin on the branches. As it gets deeper in the cave,the stained glass gets more colourful (from dark red/burgundy to lime green.)