- What can you see in this setting? How would you describe it? Challenge: Use personification when describing the tree(s).
- What is this place?
- Why are some leaves glowing?
- What are the creatures hiding behind the tree?
- Do you think the trees are alive? Why/why not?
- Who are the characters? How old are they? What are they doing here? Why are they dressed in this way?
- Why are they both holding lanterns? Why are they looking in different directions?
- How are they feeling? How do you know?
- What might happen next? Write the story from this point.
Credit: Matt Rockefeller
Matt Rockefeller cover for The Secret of Dreawillow Carse by Brian Farrey
Algonquin Books 2015
Download as doc or pdf
Posted at 03:34h, 18 Novemberthats amazing
Posted at 03:35h, 18 Novemberi love writing stories for this picture!.
me f+a+v+our+it+e+ ++f+an o+f +o+n+c+e+ +upon a picture
Posted at 03:37h, 18 Novemberi love once upon a picture its the best website!!!.
Posted at 23:47h, 07 FebruaryI love once upon a picture it’s the best website😘😘
Posted at 01:12h, 14 SeptemberThis is awesome
Posted at 22:57h, 06 DecemberAbout to do this one