Credit: Alejandro Burdisio/Burda
- Where is this? Describe this setting.
- Does anyone else know about this place? How do you know?
- Who built these things? Who built the car?
- What is Batman doing?
- Has he driven the car before?
- How does he drive it out of here?
- Science link (forces): Why does the car have such big tyres? Why is it this shape?
Link to the Lego Batman movie:
- Write a story about Batman.
- Build your characters here: This can be used to work on things like character description, ‘show not tell’ and naming characters. You could write a description in this style (from

- The SigFig creator could also be used to consider conventions in writing/films, or even be the basis for PSHE work on emotions. How can you tell what someone is feeling? What emotion is this character feeling?

- Create a stop motion movie about Lego Batman, or another superhero. You’ll need to write the script first! (Watch the trailer for ideas:
- You could also look at some of the Lego Batman products and create new adverts for them. Find the Batmobile here: LEGO Batmobile .
Ryaan the Lion roarrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Posted at 23:46h, 12 FebruaryThis is awesome I love the all the bakerond but still it’s awesome
Posted at 19:13h, 15 Novemberthis great and its fasanating I like it