What is the thing in the sewer? Does it have arms and legs? How does it move? Why does it have tentacles? Does it live alone? Why do its eyes glow? Why does it live in the sewer? Can it venture above ground? Can it...
What is the thing in the sewer? Does it have arms and legs? How does it move? Why does it have tentacles? Does it live alone? Why do its eyes glow? Why does it live in the sewer? Can it venture above ground? Can it...
Who is this man? Where has he come from? What does his clothing tell you about his character? Do you think he is a good or bad character? Why? What is he doing? Is the bird friendly or is it going to attack him? ...
“Look up,” said the stars, “and all your dreams will reveal themselves.” This image and sentence could be used as a standalone prompt - let children lead a discussion, generate their own questions, or write freely and creatively. What can you see? What makes this...
Where is the hedgehog? What is it doing? How is it feeling? How do you know? Why is the hedgehog here? Why is it alone? The title of this illustration is, 'Hedgehog Needs a Hug'. Why does the hedgehog need a hug? Tell/write this...
What is happening here? Why is the frog on fire? Can it control the fire? How is the frog feeling? The title is 'Most Fires Are Started by Frogs'. Why do frogs start fires? How do they start fires? Write an explanation of this...
What can you see in this setting? Where do you think this is? How has Petur chosen and used colours to create a mood? Who is the person hanging from the clock tower? How did he get there? Who is the person holding him?...
What is this place? Where is it? Why is the picture called 'Keep Out'? What is the building for? Who broke the fence? Who do you think the people are? Where have they come from? Credit: Tyler Carter www.tycarter.com Download as doc or pdf...
How are the bears related? How old are they? What are they doing? How are they feeling? Is this a special moment? Why are there stars around them? Share a special memory between you and a parent/carer. Why do you think that time was...
Before sharing the picture or the title: What do you imagine a vampire to look like? Draw it. What do you imagine a friendly vampire to look like? Draw it. Compare the two drawings. Can a vampire be friendly? Share the image and title. How do...
Describe this setting. How could you describe the trees? The vines? The light and shadows? What time of day is it? Why is Tarzan riding on the back of an ape? Can Tarzan trust the ape? Can the ape trust Tarzan? Where are they...