31 May Unknown Specimen
Who is this man? Describe his personality. What does he do for a living? What does he have in the jar? Why is it an 'unknown specimen'? Where did it come from? What can it do? Does anyone else know about it? Where is...
Who is this man? Describe his personality. What does he do for a living? What does he have in the jar? Why is it an 'unknown specimen'? Where did it come from? What can it do? Does anyone else know about it? Where is...
Grammar link: Expanded noun phrases, relative clauses. Describe the creatures and their hats. What makes them unique? Who made the hats? Is the green creature eating fruit from its own hat? How is Harbet (the creature on the right) feeling? Why do you think...
Where do the two doors lead? Are they in the same house? What is the man doing? Is he awake? Why is he carrying a glass? Why is there a lamp on the grass? Where do you go when you dream? Draw, paint or...
Spelling link: Explore the prefix 'im-'. How many words can you think of/find in a dictionary beginning with 'im-'? What do you think the prefix means? Grammar link: Prepositions. Write a sentence containing each of the prepositions: on through beneath along behind above Why...
Look at the picture and imagine that you are a detective responsible for finding out what happened here. What do you know for certain? What questions do you have? Compare your questions to the ones below - did you think of any others? Did...
What is happening here? What do you think the sauces are cooking on the barbecues? Will they eat the food? Whose house is this? Is the owner aware of the barbecue going on? Write a funny caption or story to match this picture. Credit: Henrik...
Describe the building. What's unusual about it? Have you ever seen a building like this? Where do you think this is? Who might be inside? Who's in the room with the light on? Why is there a tornado over this building? Is it going...
Describe this setting. Compare this setting to your own local environment. What's similar and what's different? Where do you think this is? What do you think the sign says on the building in the centre? Who rings the bell? What do they ring it...
Who is climbing the tree? Why? Why is there a tree in the ocean? How do you know that it's an ocean? Will the person ever be able to get down? Who is on the boat in the distance? Write a poem titled 'The...
Where is this? What is the woman doing? Why? Does the large person know that she's there? Do you think the woman is strong enough to stop the large person's foot? What else might she do to prevent herself from getting squashed? Why was...