
What are the robot and the boy doing? Why is the butterfly glowing? Where did it come from? Where will it go? Why have they set the butterfly free? Is the time of day important to the release? How does the boy feel? Link to...

Who is the girl? What is she like? Describe her personality and give reasons for your opinions. Where is she? What is she sitting in? How did she get into it? Why are there red lanterns and string lights around her? Is this her home...

How would you describe this scene? Be sure to appeal to the reader’s senses – what can you see, hear, smell, feel? Where is this? How do you know? Is it always cold here? Who made the footprints? Why is there only one shop open?...

With just a couple of school weeks to go before the Christmas break, there are a lot of great ideas and resources to be used in the classroom. Here’s my round-up of the best. NORAD tracks Santa Many of you will have tracked Santa’s movements...

What happened here? Why are the buildings under water? Why are the lights still on in the buildings? Who is the person on the street below? What are they doing there? Why did they build a lighthouse in the middle of a town? Why is...

Who is the man in red? What is his job? Is he a good or bad person? Who is the old lady? Why is she wearing grey? Why is the man holding her arm? How does she feel about this? What has happened? What is...

What is the girl doing? How is she feeling? Describe this image using your senses: What can you hear? What do the leaves feel like? What can you see? What does it smell like? Science link: Why are the leaves this colour? Are they like...

Describe this setting. Look for the details. [Can you see the bridge turning green near the water? Can you see the washing hung out over the river? Can you see the little stall by the river?] What do you think the building over the water...

What do you think happened here? How is the boy feeling? How is the tree feeling? How do you know? Why do you think they’re feeling like that? Can this tree move? Do you think that the boy has ever seen a tree come to...

Where is this? What is the girl doing? Is anyone with her? What would you be able to hear if you were there? Have you ever been to a place like this?  What could happen next?  Credit: Kate Parker