
Show the image without the title first. Who do you think this is? Why is he carrying all of those jars? What’s inside them? Why are they attached to his clothing? Couldn’t he just carry them in a bag? Why is he wearing this clothing?...

Banned words! Describe this building without using the words ‘metal’ or ‘castle’. List nouns/adjectives/verbs for this picture. Use these to compose sentences describing the setting. Can you describe the castle using a simile? Why might you do this in your writing? What is the effect...

Why is the mechanical octopus holding these objects? What does the scroll say? What is in the bag? What is the key for? (A door? A chest?) Who created this octopus? Is someone inside it? Who is controlling it? Create your own mechanical octopus and...

Choose a Pokémon – describe its appearance and behaviours. What does it eat? Where does it live? Does it live alone, or with others of its species? How is it suited to its environment? Draw the food chain/web – is this Pokémon prey or predator, or both?...

What is ‘sky fishing’? How does it work? Who might go sky fishing? What do they do with the stars when they’ve caught them? Do people go sky fishing every night? Writing: Write an explanation of ‘How Sky Fishing Works’. Talk/writing: Discuss/debate the pros and...

Explain this picture. Say what you can see, what you think is happening and whether there is a deeper meaning. Tip: Try rotating the image so you can appreciate the details on both sides. Why can we see a younger man in the reflection in the...

What is happening in this scene? What is the woman doing? Why is she there? Why is she sitting down? Is she afraid? Where did the serpent come from? Where does it live? Why is the prince wielding a sword? Is this an ordinary sword?...

Who/what is this? Is it the only one? What is it doing? What is it looking at? Why is it glowing? Is it dangerous? Is it making the leaves grow? Add text to the picture to turn it into a poster. Consider what kind of...

Where is this? Where is the light coming from? Who are all of the people? Why is the man in the red hat dressed differently to everyone else? How do you think the others feel towards him? How does he feel towards the others? Do...

What can you see in this picture? What is important and what isn’t? Who is the subject of the picture? What does Jim Finn want you to focus on? How do you know? What is Bolt doing? Why? How quickly is he moving? Where is this?...