
  What do you think this object is? What is it made of? How old is it? What does it do, or what is it used for? Who owns it? Is it the same person who is currently holding it? Is this the only one...

  Who is the girl? How is she feeling? Why is she hugging the wolf? What is the wolf thinking? Are they friends? What time is it? Why are they here? Would this fit into the story of Little Red Riding Hood? What would you...

How did the child get here? Have they had training? Who built the rocket? Does anyone else know that they are here? Why are they catching a star? How does the child feel? Where is this? Credit: Glenn Kim Website Facebook page

Describe the creature. Can you use expanded noun phrases and/or relative clauses in your description? What is it? Where did it come from? Did it mean to land on the building? How do you know? What is the building? Who lives there? Who are the people...

Who is the knight? Is it a man or a woman? Where are they from? How did they become a knight? Explain what is happening to the sword. How is it transforming? What was it like before and what will it be like after the...

Describe the destruction in the scene. Who lives in this house? Is it a family? What jobs do they have? (Look closely at the picture for clues.) Did they know the cyclone was coming? Did they get out of the house in time? What is...

Who is this? What is she doing? What can she see? Where is this? Is it a real place? What is the glowing white/blue light in the background? Who lives in the house with the lights on? Would you like to visit this place? Why/why...

What is happening here? Are the trees on islands? Is the land connected? What are the children doing? What might they be saying? How are they feeling? Why is the girl wearing goggles on her forehead? Why isn’t she wearing them properly? How do you...