- Share the title without showing the picture. Ask children to draw what they imagine this picture to look like. Then show them this photograph. What’s similar/different? What did you expect? What’s surprising?
- Why is this picture called ‘Leaving Home’?
- Whose home is this?
- Who is the person leaning out of the window upstairs?
- Is there anyone else in the building?
- How is the building moving? Why? Who made it this way?
- If you could move your house to another place in the world, where would you move it to and why?
- Why would someone want to keep their home but change where it is that they live?
- Compare this picture with Carl Fredricksen’s story in Disney/Pixar’s Up [trailer here: Up trailer]. Why did Carl want to move his house? Which is the best way to move a house? [Use this clip up to 1.10: The Flying House. Why did Carl push all of the furniture out of the house? How well can he control the house when it’s flying?]
Credit: Erik Johansson
Posted at 14:04h, 13 SeptemberI did not what to go in there its creepy.